
An Object-Oriented PHP library for Telegram Bots

View the Project on GitHub skrtdev/NovaGram


NovaGram has a built-in Database, (from v1.3), that allows you to store some useful infos without having care of writing boring boilerplate code.

Connecting to Database

database key of settings array is structured as follows:

    "driver" => $driver, // default to mysql
    "host" => $host, // default to localhost:3306
    "dbname" => $dbname,
    "dbuser" => $dbuser,
    "dbpass" => $dbpass, // default to an empty string
    "prefix" => $prefix // default to "novagram"

driver, host, dbname, dbuser and dbpass are Database connection variables, while prefix is table names prefix

Statuses & Conversations

Conversations are chat-related variables (a chat can also be an User).

Here is the function:

public function conversation(string $name, $value = null, bool $permanent = true)

Let’s do an example: you want to store an User birthplace, so that can be retrieved later

$user->conversation("birthplace", "New York");

That’s all, birthplace is now stored in Database, and it can be retrieved later with


Statuses are just Conversations whose key is status, except that $permanent is default to false:

public function status(string $value = null, bool $permanent = false)

Statuses are useful when you need to store some temporary data, and can be used together with conversations

$user_status = $user->status();

if($message->text === "/setbirthplace"){
    $message->reply("Your birthplace is:");
elseif($message->text === "/mybirthplace"){
    $birthplace = $user->conversation("birthplace");
        $message->reply("Your birthplace is $birthplace.");
        $message->reply("You didn't set a birthplace yet.\nSet it with /setbirthplace");

    if($user_status === "setbirthplace"){
        $user->conversation("birthplace", $message->text);
        $message->reply("What a nice place!");
