
An Object-Oriented PHP library for Telegram Bots

View the Project on GitHub skrtdev/NovaGram

Updates Handling

In order to handle different kinds of updates, you can put all your in code in the onUpdate handler, or split it across different handlers (e.g. onMessage, onCallbackQuery)

$Bot->onUpdate(function (Update $update) use ($Bot) {
        $message = $update->message;
        $message->reply('WHAT? A Message?!?');
$Bot->onMessage(function (Message $message) use ($Bot) {
    $message->reply('WHAT? A Message?!?');

There is an handler for each property of the Update object

Helper Handlers

There are some handy handlers, that simplifies special tasks, such as handling text messages and commands.


Same as onMessage, but it handles only text messages (not stickers, photos, etc)

$Bot->onMessage(function (Message $message) {
    if(isset($message->text) && $message->text === '/start'){
        $message->reply('This is the Start command');

// same as

$Bot->onTextMessage(function (Message $message) {
    if($message->text === '/start'){
        $message->reply('This is the Start command');


Accepts another parameter $pattern, that can be text or a regex, and will used to check text matching. You can find $matches array in the 2nd parameter of the handler

$Bot->onText('/start', function (Message $message, array $matches = []) {
    $message->reply('This is the Start command');


Same as onText, but instead of $pattern you have a $commands parameter, that can be the command name (without slash) or an array of command names.
Default prefix for all the commands is /, but you can change it in the command_prefixes parameter of Bot settings
onCommand will handle commands (for example every message starting with /start), and will give you an array of arguments passed to the command in the 2nd parameter of the handler.

/start hello John will result in an $args array like this: ['hello', 'John']

$Bot->onCommand('start', function (Message $message, array $args = []) {
    $message->reply('This is the Start command');


Similar to onText, but for Callback Queries.
It will check the $pattern parameter against CallbackQuery data.
$pattern can be a regex too, and you can find $matches array in the 2nd parameter of the handler

$Bot->onCallbackQuery(function (CallbackQuery $callback_query) {
    if($callback_query->data === 'start'){
        $callback_query->answer('Wow, a Callback Query');

// same as

$Bot->onCallbackData('start', function (CallbackQuery $callback_query, array $matches = []) {
    $callback_query->answer('Wow, a Callback Query');


Handles users being added to groups. As the bot can also be added to groups, you can use onNewGroup handler.
This handles only other users by default, if you want to get bots too, just pass true in the 2nd argument.
Let’s compare this method with a canonic onMessage usage:

$Bot->onMessage(function (Message $message) {
        $chat = $message->chat;

        foreach ($message->new_chat_members as $user) {
            if($user->is_bot) continue;
            $chat->sendMessage("Welcome, {$user->getMention()}");
$Bot->onNewChatMember(function (Chat $chat, User $user, User $adder) {
    $chat->sendMessage("Welcome, {$user->getMention()}");

// if you want to handle bots too:
$Bot->onNewChatMember(function (Chat $chat, User $user, User $adder) {
    $chat->sendMessage("Welcome, {$user->getMention()}");
}), true);


Handles bot being added to groups.
As you already know that it is your bot, there is no $user argument.
Let’s compare this method with onNewChatMember usage:

$Bot->onNewChatMember(function (Chat $chat, User $user, User $adder) use ($Bot) {
    if($user->id === $Bot->id){
        $chat->sendMessage("Thanks {$adder->getMention()} for adding me to this group!");
}), true);
$Bot->onNewGroup(function (Chat $chat, User $adder) {
    $chat->sendMessage("Thanks {$adder->getMention()} for adding me to this group!");